Society Foundation
In the 1420H, Dr. Ahmed Mitwalli (Head of Internal Medicine) saw that the future of the specialty of Nephrology would need to show more interest in the technical aspects of treating humans rather than just academic interest, also to promote the prevention and treatment of kidney disease through leadership, education research, scientific communication and to impart scientific knowledge in the Nephrology & Transplantation field.
Therefore, he starts the hard work to put The rules governing the Society’s work and designing a logo for it then raise an Official Memo to the department council which be approved and raised to college council then to Vice President for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research regarding the establishment of the Saudi Society for Diseases and Transplantation Medicine.
In the academic year 1421/1422, the Scientific Council recommended to approve the establishment of the Saudi Society for Diseases and Transplantation Medicine in accordance with the rules regulating scientific societies in Saudi universities.
In 8/22/1422 corresponding to 7/11/2001 ,His Excellency the President of the University approved the recommendation of the Scientific Council and the decision of the King Saud University Council was issued By approving the establishment of the Saudi Society for Nephrology and transplantation.
Later on the name of society changed to be Saudi Society of Nephrology and transplantation.